Remediation of landfill Moseć in Drniš starts


After Leć in Vodice and Bratiškovački gaj in Skradin, the Drniš landfill Moseć is the third one in Šibenik-Knin County whose remediation is co-financed from EU funds.

To mark the start of implementation of the project, Moseć was visited today by the mayor Josip Begonja, the minister of economy and sustainable development, Tomislav Ćorić, the mayor of Šibenik-Knin County Goran Pauk, and the head of the Sector for EU Projects at the Fund, Maja Feketić.

“In the last few years, the town of Drniš showed they are moving int the right direction regarding waste management, as evidenced by developing the sustainable management system: they implemented the project of the civic amenity site, they purchased more than 4700 containers, the municipal vehicle for the separate collection of waste, and then they embarked on the most complex and the most important project – remediation of landfill Moseć,” said Minister Ćorić.

The value of the project amounts to HRK 13.3 million, of which 85%, or HRK 11.3 million is the EU grant. Part of the resources was provided by the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, while Drniš secured the remaining part of co-financing by applying to the Public Call for co-financing EU projects at local and regional level that was launched by the Ministry of Regional Development and EU Funds, and they expect to be granted 1.7 million kunas.

“The Fund joined the project for co-financing the remediation of landfill Moseć by allocating national resources in the amount of 1.3 million kunas. Together with the professional Town services, we worked on the preparation of the entire project so that it could be successfully applied for EU funding,” said Maja Feketić, praising the cooperation not only with Drniš but the entire Šibenik-Knin County, which is one of the more successful in terms of withdrawal of EU funding for the waste management projects.

“Inadequate waste management is one of the bigger problems in this field in Croatia; inadequate solutions used to be the norm, and such an unregulated system had negative impacts on the environment. I want to point out that we were among the first ones in Croatia to have recognised this problem and started to set the foundation for a modern and environmentally acceptable waste management system,” said County mayor Goran Pauk.

The mayor of Drniš, Josip Begonja, said that was one of around 20 European projects the Town of Drniš embarked on in the last few years. Some of them had already been completed, and some – like that one – were still ongoing. “By implementing this project, not only will we have remediated landfill Moseć in compliance with all European standards, but we have already completed remediation and moved the waste from several illegal dumpsites. In this way we have protected the environment, we have contributed to the environmental development of this entire region, and we have complied with all our legal obligations,” said Begonja.