Renovation of the primary school in Vinkovci completed


“I’m glad that Primary School Antun Gustav Matoš has become an energy efficient building with low level of harmful emissions, thus improving its cost-effectiveness and energy performance. I would like to congratulate you all on successful completion of energy renovation of your school, and I specifically want to mention excellent cooperation with the Development Agency VIA. So far, we have participated in the energy renovation of 19 buildings in the Vinkovci area, of which 4 are still in progress,” said Deputy Director of the Fund Alenka Košiša Čičin-Šain. She added that the situation with the corona crisis has made us all focus on what is most important: health, local community, and energy and food availability.

“The result is a lovely building for the students, teachers and staff, and for the parents who can rest assured their children are in the right place and will be taken care of, so that they can dedicate their time to learning,” said the mayor of Vinkovci, Ivan Bosančić.

This project was used to co-finance the preparation of the main design, construction works, technical supervision, promotion activities and management, which were successfully carried out by the Vinkovci Development and Investment Agency VIA.

“We have replaced the insulation on the roof, of the exterior walls and ground floor, all windows were replaced with aluminium joinery, a more efficient heating system and heat exchanger (recuperator) was installed, and interior lighting was replaced with LED illumination. The results are annual savings of 68 percent compared to the period before project implementation, with direct impact on reduced CO2 emissions by a little over 59 percent,” said project manager Josip Romić.

It is already a known fact that buildings consume 40% of energy and are responsible for significant greenhouse gas emissions at the entire EU level. Thus a more energy efficient building sector would be good for the planet Earth in general, and it would significantly contribute to the implementation of the current European Green Deal, which was prepared in response to the climate change. The Renovation Wave is one of the priorities in the Commission’s new package for recovery as it has great potential for creating new jobs and promoting investments.

“You have always had expert and financial support from us at the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, and we will continue supporting quality projects in the future,” concluded Mrs Košiša Čičin-Šain.

The pupils of the school in Vinkovci will raise their awareness about the importance of energy savings, and together with their teachers they will have their classes in a healthier and energy efficient space.