Representatives of the Fund meet with colleagues from Tar-Vabriga Municipality


Today, the director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Siniša Kukić, and his colleagues held a working meeting with the mayor of Municipality Tar-Vabriga Nivio Stojnić and other representatives of the Municipality and municipal companies. After the containers for the separate waste collection were supplied to citizens, the Municipality is planning to continue with education activities, and in today’s meeting they touched upon other projects, such as energy renovation.
The representatives of the Fund informed the attendees about the 2021 plan for public calls and for the 5-year period, in accordance with the goals of the national energy and climate policy. “In 2021    the Fund will have 18 calls worth around 910 million kunas, part of which will be solely for the units of local self-government. On the other hand, we are planning the call for the renovation of family houses for the citizens, but municipalities can provide advice and information,” said the director of the Fund Kukić. “I believe that we all have a common goal of even better cooperation and using all the possibilities so that Tar could improve its utility and other infrastructure, and the quality of life of the citizens,” said Kukić.