The first phase of remediation of landfill Karepovac in Split is drawing to a close


After intensive works, Karepovac in Split is transforming into a regulated landfill, as was observed by the deputy director of the Fund, Alenka Košiša Čičin Šain, and the mayor Andro Krstulović Opara, who visited the remediated location. On that occasion she pointed out that remediation of the Split landfill was the largest project co-financed by the Fund, and that it was planned to apply subsequent remediation phases for EU financing.

During the first phase of remediation, approximately 1 million cubic meters of old waste was removed, and the new transport, water, and electrical infrastructure was built, as well as the sanitary landfill cell with a surface area of about 70 000 m2 with the slopes for the disposal of new quantities of waste.  

Apart from the cell, the remaining three quarters of the landfill have been developed and brought to such condition that allows the works to continue. The part where the new waste is disposed has been opened, measuring only 500 m2, and it is duly backfilled and covered on a daily basis. The following stages of remediation of Karepovac envisage planting vegetation, remediation of the cell where waste will be disposed of in the future, and its final closure after the waste management centre is built in Lećevica.