The Fund adjusts the obligations of the users to the situation with the novel coronavirus


Due to the unprecedented circumstances caused by the pandemic of the coronavirus in Croatia and in the world, the Fund has undertaken measures to simplify and facilitate the performance of contractual obligations to our users.

Although the contracts on co-financing imply the submission of the original documentation, which is the basis for payment of the approved resources, in accordance with the recommendations of the National Civil Protection Directorate and of the Croatian Institute of Public Health, the Fund approved to the users the submission of their documentation solely in electronic form. The submitted documentation will be verified according to the standard procedure, and the funding will be paid in line with the contract time limits. For now, there are no delays in the payment of due payables, which includes payments for implemented projects that were approved co-financing from the national resources of the Fund.

“As in other institutions, we at the Fund are aware that the current situation has greatly affected regular operations and daily life of everyone, of the public and the private sector, and of the citizens. As the possibility to get and supply certain services and products in the planned deadlines is quite difficult, we have accordingly extended the deadlines for contractual obligations for some users,” said the director of the Fund, Siniša Kukić. For now, the time limits have been extended for 6 months, but they can be extend further if needed, but Director Kukić is hopeful that the majority of the projects will be completed and paid by the end of this year.

In terms of the programmes planned for 2020, of which the Croatian public was most interested in the continued programme of energy renovation of family houses, their implementation will mainly depend on the duration of the current extraordinary circumstances. The majority of the calls that the Fund announced have been prepared, but their implementation will be contingent on a number of factors, and on the measures that will be proposed by the Croatian Government related not only to the coronavirus, but also to the remediation of the damage caused by the earthquake in Zagreb.

We are actively following the situation and communicating with the competent ministries on a daily basis. The relevant information will be regularly published on our website, and we invite the citizens to check it, and to feel free to contact us with any queries by either email or telephone.