The Fund co-finances remediation of dumpsites with HRK 28 million


The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund launched the Public Call for local self-government units worth HRK 28 million, through which it plans to co-finance the removal of the waste dumped in the environment, i.e. remediation of dumpsites.
“Unfortunately, we are witnessing that in some parts of the environment there are piles of waste discarded due to either the lack of knowledge or the lack of an adequate system. Such waste often has a negative impact on the environment when it decomposes, and it prompts further unregular discarding of waste in these locations. Therefore, it is necessary to remove the waste and dispose of it, and to restore the environment to its natural state,” explained Siniša Kukić, the director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund.
To be able to exercise their right to co-financing, the units of local self-government will have to identify the locations they wish to clean up, they will have to provide their share in costs, and they will have to collect indicative quotes for drawing up the Plan of works on remediation, removal and supervision. For all these activities, including the surveying of the location, the Fund will provide co-financing in the amount of 40, 60, or 80%, depending on the status of the local unit. The maximum amount of grant per local unit is HRK 600,000.
After the funds are approved to them, local self-government units will have to prepare a detailed plan for the removal of such wastes from one or more locations. The plan will define the exact locations which have to be owned by either the units of local-self-government or the Republic of Croatia, and measures to prevent waste dumping. If possible, the extraction of useful waste should be envisaged, which would then be disposed of by the licensed collectors, while the remaining waste should be disposed of on a regulated landfill. 
Remediation of dumpsites is just one in a series of activities the Fund is implementing with the aim of simultaneously providing a quality waste management system at national level and environmental  protection. The removal of waste from inaccessible locations has already been financed through many diving actions for the clean-up of the seabed. The project for removing car wrecks from national parks, nature parks and islands is currently under way, which the Fund is implementing in cooperation with the Croatian Mountain Rescue Service. New public calls related to environmental activities are expected in the upcoming period.