The Fund co-financing the CROLIS project


Today the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund and the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable development signed the Agreement on co-financing the LIFE CROLIS project.

The total value of the project is 46,865,513.00 kunas; EU financing under the LIFE Programme amounts to HRK 35,293,733.00, while the Fund will participate with HRK 7,109,595.00, or almost 21% of eligible costs.

The LIFE CROLIS project is aimed at developing a harmonised land monitoring data model that will enable the integration and processing of land cover and land use, and land management data from various sources, and its use for a variety of purposes.

The project will help Croatia in fulfilling future international and European targets: the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and EU regulations for rural development, conservation of natural habitats, and many more. The project will establish an integrated Croatian land IT system, it will establish the surface area of the respective LULUCF land category, by using the spatially precisely defined data for each land category and for each land use change from one category to the other.

For the implementation of this project, in September 2020 the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development concluded an agreement with the European Commission, i.e. the Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises. Project partners include Hrvatske šume d.o.o., the State Geodetic Administration, the Agency for Payments in Agriculture, Fisheries, and Rural Development, and Ekonerg d.o.o.

The planned project implementation period is from 1 October 2020 until 30 April 2024.

More about the project: LIFE CROLIS – Hrvatski zemljišni informacijski sustav LIFE19 GIC/HR/001270 – Life program Hrvatska