The Fund gives incentives for the purchase of condensing boilers


Today, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund opened the Public Call for co-financing the purchase of condensing boilers worth HRK 41 million. The programme is intended for co-financing energy-efficient boilers in houses and apartments whose chimneys, gas installations, heating systems, and domestic hot water systems were damaged in the earthquake on 22 March. Eligible applicants are the citizens of Zagreb, Zagreb County, and Krapina-Zagorje County.

“Although early in the year we had planned other programmes, after the earthquake which hit Zagreb and the surrounding region, pursuant to the Decision of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, part of the funding has been allocated for the citizens significantly affected by this situation. The aim is to help the owners of damaged houses and buildings to repair their homes and install more energy-efficient and environmentally friendly heating system,” said Siniša Kukić, the director of the Fund. In the application procedure, which has been simplified, the citizens will be able to get up to 80% of co-financing, i.e. up to HRK 8000 per boiler, applying either online using the e-application form, by post or submitting the application personally at the Fund’s registration office.

As of today, on the Fund’s website www.fzoeu.hr the new e-application system for the Fund’s public calls has gone live, allowing the citizens to apply for the incentives to buy condensing boilers. Before submitting the electronic application, the users have to create their user account, which afterwards they will be able to use for other co-financing programmes of the Fund.

The official submission of applications, either electronic, sent by post or submitted personally at the registration office, starts on 17 June at 9:00 (the applications received before the official start of submission will not be considered), giving the interested citizens sufficient time to prepare all the required documentation. Apart from the application form containing the basic information about the applicant, the citizens will have to attach the certificate of ownership of the house or apartment, proof that the building was damaged in the earthquake, and the quotation, pro-forma invoice, or invoice from the licensed installer or seller of the condensing boiler, not dated earlier than 22 March 2020.

The applications will be processed in the shortest possible period and the Fund will, until the allocated budget is depleted, conclude the contracts on co-financing with all applicants meeting the requirements of the public call. After the users submit the invoice from the licensed installer or seller and proof of payment against the invoice, the Fund shall refund them the contracted sum for the purchase of the condensing boiler within 30 days.

“We hope that this programme of the Fund will additionally help the citizens to repair their homes damaged in the earthquake. After this public call, on 25 June the Fund will open the long-awaited Public Call for energy renovation of family houses, and last year’s programmes for co-financing the purchase of electric vehicles, the use renewable energy sources in family houses, public buildings, and in the tourism sector will continue. Thus the Fund will continue stimulating the economy and the citizens to opt for energy-efficient and environmentally friendly solutions, which is one of our priorities,” concluded the director of the Fund.