The Fund granting HRK 17.5 million for electric vehicles to companies


After the public call was announced on the official website of the Fund two weeks ago, today saw the official launch of the application procedure for co-financing electric vehicles to legal persons. “The Fund planned almost 40 million kunas for sustainable transport, and 17.5 million kunas have been designated for this call. The purchase will be financed with up to 40% of investment, meaning up to the maximum of HRK 400,000 per beneficiary,” said Ponoš, adding that this call follows the calls for co-financing electric vehicles to the citizens, and for building charging stations.

Eligible applicants to the public call of the Fund include units of local self-government, companies, trades, and all non-for-profit organisations except associations, and the following can be financed: the purchase of electric bicycles and vehicles categories N1-N3, and M2 and M3, which can, apart from electric propulsion, also use compressed or liquefied natural gas. One or more vehicles can be purchased, so for 5 to 15 electric bikes 5,000 kn per bike will be available, and for electric scooters, motorcycles and quads (electric) up to 20,000 kn. Up to 40 thousand kunas is available for plug-in hybrid vehicles and NI category vehicles with CNG or LNG drive. Up to 80 thousand kunas is available for electric cars, and up to 400 thousand kunas for the vehicles in categories N2, N3, M2 or M3, which is also the maximum amount of incentives per beneficiary. In the same manner as has been the case so far, co-financing is available only for the new vehicles that were not previously registered at the moment of import or sale in Croatia, and in the case of electric bikes, that it has not been previously used. In the case a person is awarded the grant, they have to purchase the vehicle within a period of 12 months.

The applications for co-financing have to be sent by registered mail or submitted personally to the registration office of the Fund starting today at 9:00 hours. The application form together with the offer for the vehicle and its technical specifications has to be accompanied by additional certificates and statements, depending on the type of the legal person applying to the call, and the funding will be approved according to the order of receipt until the envisaged budget is used up.

“With these incentive programmes the Fund is turning a full circle in supporting a sustainable transport system. Not only are we promoting green vehicles on our roads, we are also shaping the transport system that will enable easier and quicker charging, meaning it will provide the necessary infrastructure for a more widespread use of eco vehicles,” concluded Ponoš. 

Mr. Ponoš also announced the results of the public call for the citizens. More than 2400 applications were received, and co-financing was granted for 846 vehicles, of which 168 are passenger cars, 482 electric bicycles, with 196 motorcycles and other L category vehicles.