The Fund inviting two co-financing tenders worth HRK 10.8m


The Fund will close the year 2019 by inviting two new tenders for co-financing worth HRK 10.8m – the first is aimed at public institutions to stimulate the use of renewable energy sources, and the other is aimed at associations for reuse and underwater cleaning projects.

“In 2019, the Fund granted the total of HRK 250 million for more than 1700 projects, and the plan is to continue with our programmes in the next year. Considering the available funds, we decided to wrap up the year with two more tenders”, said Alenka Košiša Čičin-Šain, the deputy director of the Fund.

This year, 49 million kunas were invested in stimulating the use of renewable energy sources in family houses and registered owners and family holdings offering accommodation, and on 4 December, the Fund will launch a tender aimed at prompting such projects in public institutions.

“Public institutions very often have outdated and inefficient heating systems and the intent of this programme is to prompt the reconstruction of boiler rooms, which should use locally available renewable energy sources instead of fuel oil. With the total of HRK 10 million, the Fund will finance the systems comprising biomass-fired boilers, heat pumps, solar thermal inverters, and electricity-generating systems using photovoltaic modules”, announced Košiša Čičin-Šain.

For one or more systems in one or several objects, the institutions will be able to get co-financing in the amount of 40, 60 or 80 percent depending on the location, with the maximum amount being half a million kunas. The Fund is expecting considerable savings, and the implementation of these projects will also have a positive impact on the immediate vicinity of these buildings, since energy-generating products that are less polluting and much more efficient will be used, pointed out Košiša Čičin-Šain.

With regard to environmental protection, the Fund pointed out the ever-prevalent issue of waste and raising the citizen’s awareness about it, and the important role civil society organisations have in this, together with utility companies. To this end, the Fund provided grant funding for reuse and undersea cleaning projects.

“Last year, co-financing was approved for 28 projects that were very interesting, and the citizens’ turnout in all actions was excellent. It is our goal to mobilize as many as possible citizens to participate in actions dealing with topics like this, so as to encourage them to first and foremost reflect on the number of items they use and how to repurpose them, and then to realise the importance of proper disposal of all items they no longer need”, said Košiša Čičin-Šain.

The minimum amount of co-financing per project is HRK 20,000, while the maximum amount is HRK 60,000, with the total of HRK 800,000 allocated to the implementation of the programme.

More information about the calls and the application manuals are available at the following link - http://www.fzoeu.hr/hr/obavijesti/