The Fund publishes the Call for co-financing home photovoltaic power plants


HRK 10 million has been allocated for co-financing home photovoltaic power plants to the citizens. Even though the Call has been published today, the official submission of applications will start on 24 August, so that the citizens will have enough time to prepare the projects and the required documentation.

The goal of this programme is to allow the generation of energy for own consumption, to be an energy-independent consumer, so to speak. The programme of co-financing for family houses includes the households connected to the electrical grid, and the, so called off-grid, i.e. autonomous systems.

Depending on the location, the citizens will be able to get up to 40, 60 or 80 percent of co-financing for these systems, i.e. the maximum of up to HRK 75,000. The funding will be granted until either: the resources have been used up, or by the end of the year.

Citizens eligible to apply to the Fund’s Public Call are those with houses measuring up to 600m2 or up to 3 residential units, with more than 50% of the surface area intended for living. The applicants must have a registered residence in this house, title deed and proof that the house is legal.

A novelty introduced this year is that the application for funding can be submitted solely through the Fund’s e-Application system for public calls. Interested citizens should create and activate their user accounts in the e-Application system on the Fund’s website. The applicant does not have to personally fill out the online application form and upload the accompanying documentation – the person designated by the applicant can do it. As of 1 August, the application data and documents can be uploaded into the e-Application system, and from 24 August at 9:00, the applications can be submitted.

In order to apply, you have to prepare electronic copies (scans) of the certificate of residence, title deed and proof of legality of the house, and other documentation listed in the text of the Public Call.