The Fund receives 7386 applications for energy renovation of family houses


The Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund has received 7386 applications for co-financing energy renovation of family houses. The first received application came from Vojnić, while most applications came from Zagreb, Petrinja, Varaždin and Vukovar. The Public Call was temporarily closed at 10:45:15.
From the data received so far, on average approx. 70 000 kunas per house were applied for, which means that in most cases several energy renovation measures were combined. The citizens who are planning to implement these interventions mostly wish to invest in thermal insulation and the replacement of windows. These measures account for the greatest energy savings as they prevent energy loses, and at the same time provide a healthier life in the renovated houses.
Since great interest was expected, the planned budget of HRK 177 million was increased by the additional HRK 40 million, so that as many as possible citizens could apply this year for funding for energy renovation of their homes. The Fund is planning a new public call in 2021 so that all interested citizens will have the opportunity to apply next year.
As for the public call to co-finance energy renovation of family houses for vulnerable groups at risk of energy poverty, so far 59 applications have been received, and people can still apply.
The processing of all applications in the order of their receipt has started, and the resources under the available budget will be approved to everyone who submitted the relevant documentation