The Fund will provide HRK 12 million to the citizens for introducing RES


“It is our goal to encourage the use of renewable energy sources in the heating and cooling systems”, said Ponoš. “These systems are much more environmentally friendly because they imply a reduction in the consumption of fossil fuels. As a result, this has an impact on CO2 emissions and a positive impact on the environment”, he concluded.

In the Croatian households, the costs of heating account for as much as up to 75% of the overall overhead costs. By replacing the old furnaces with more efficient boilers, savings can be made on the quantity of firewood, while heat pumps can reduce electricity consumption for electric resistance heating up to 4 times.

Persons eligible for co-financing are owners or co-owners of family houses that are legalised, in which more than 50% of the surface area is used for living, and that have no more than 3 residential units or the gross building area up to 600m2. The percentage of co-financing depends on the location of the house, so the grant of up to 80% can be awarded to the inhabitants of the areas of special state concern and islands in group I, up to 60% to the inhabitants of mountainous areas or islands in group II, while others will be able to get the grant of 40%.

In order to apply for co-financing, the citizens have to comply with the requirements of the Call and have all the required documentation concerning the legality and ownership of the house, as well as the main design with the necessary permits, approvals, and special conditions of construction(if required), and a detailed bill of quantities that is prepared by a certified engineer. The tender will be opened from 31 October until the allocated funds are used up or by the end of the year, and the citizens will be notified about the results of their applications in writing.

The citizens who submit complete applications that are accepted will promptly receive at their address the Decision on co-financing and the contract, and they will have a period of 12 months to implement their project. In agreement with the equipment supplier and contractor, the citizens can clear the costs in full and request a refund, or they can settle only their part of the costs, and submit to the Fund the transfer (cession) agreement, so that the Fund’s share will be paid directly to the equipment supplier and contractor.

Director of the Fund announced that a similar call will be launched in the first semester of the next year, and after the required legislation is adopted the citizens will also be able to apply for the solar systems, along with the biomass boilers and heat pumps.

Detailed information about the co-financing programme will be available on the Fund’s website. 

Type of cost





(areas of special State concern, islands in group I)

(mountainous areas, islands in group II)

(all other regions)

Preparation of the main design

Up to 4.000 kn

Up to 3.000 kn

Up to 2.000 kn

Supervising engineer

Up to 2.000 kn

Up to 1.500 kn

Up to 1.000 kn

Purchase and installation of the biomass system*

Up to 29.000 kn

Up to 21.750 kn

Up to 14.500 kn

Purchase and installation of the heat pump system*

Up to 39.000 kn

Up to 29.250 kn

Up to 19.500 kn

Maximum amount of incentive for the biomass system

Up to 35.000 kn

Up to 26.250 kn

Up to 17.500 kn

Maximum amount of incentive for the heat pump system

Up to 45.000 kn

Up to 33.750 kn

Up to 22.500 kn

* Only one system is eligible for financing