The Fund will provide HRK 50 million for waste disposal in the area hit by earthquake


With the aim of as quick as possible remediation and repair of damage caused by earthquakes that hit the area of Sisak-Moslavina County, the Fund has allocated HRK 50 million for the implementation of waste management measures: collection, transport, sorting, and treatment of waste, purchase of equipment, and other activities required for waste management.

With the aim of as quick as possible remediation and repair of the damage caused by the earthquakes that hit Sisak-Moslavina County, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund has allocated HRK 50 million for the implementation of waste management measures said Tomislav Ćorić, the minister of economy and sustainable development, during the presentation of these measures at the Government’s session.
Before the start of rebuilding the earthquake-hit areas, all locations where buildings collapsed have to be cleared, and construction with other types of waste properly disposed of. In line with the circular economy, the tendency is to utilise as many as possible valuable properties of waste, meaning separately collecting different types of household waste so that it can be forwarded for further treatment.

“In order to revitalise the areas hit by an earthquake, along with the measures aimed at entrepreneurs that will be implemented by HAMAG-BICRO and HBOR, the Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development will also implement the measures that will be carried out by the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund. These measures will include the financing of all costs relating to collecting, transport, sorting, and treatment of waste, purchase of the necessary equipment, and other activities that are required for waste management following a massive earthquake that struck Sisak-Moslavina County,” said Minister Ćorić, adding that the Fund had immediately allocated HRK 10m for restoring the damage caused in the affected areas.

The minister announced that the Fund and the Ministry will prepare an activity plan, and the meeting will be held on Monday with the representatives of Sisak, Petrinja and Glina, and their utility companies, so that waste management measures could start as soon as possible. If the need arises, the Fund will also finance in the amount of 100% potential additional works on landfill remediation, or urgent setting up of recycling centres for construction, bulky, and other types of waste. The Fund will conduct an information campaign for the citizens in the area advising them about the ways of disposing waste from the devastated households. There are five operating landfills in Sisak-Moslavina County, three of which are located in the earthquake-hit area. The aim is, however, to landfill the least possible quantities of waste there, and to utilise all useful parts of the waste.
Director of the Fund Siniša Kukić indicated that the Fund already had experience in the implementation of such emergency measures, having taken similar actions a few years earlier in the area of Gunja and Hrvatska Kostajnica that were struck by severe floods. “Employees of the Fund will be on-site daily, we will tour the whole area and do everything we can to clear the area as soon as possible so that the rebuilding of people’s homes could start,” said Director Kukić.