The new Public Call for the renovation of houses to be launched next year


After having received 7386 applications from the citizens for co-financing energy renovation of family houses, the Fund is planning to continue with the programme in Q1 2021. “Seeing the interest in this programme, the Fund is going to publish the new public call worth around 200 million kunas in the first quarter of the next year,” said the director of the Fund, Siniša Kukić.

The terms and conditions for co-financing will be the same as this year’s, meaning the citizens will be able to get grant funding of up to 60% for the thermal insulation of the building envelope, roof repairs, new windows, and installation of the RES systems. As the documentation, such as the energy audit certificate and the energy audit report, is valid for several years, it will be eligible if they apply to the upcoming call.

The aim of the programme is to enable the renovation of the houses that are losing energy due to the lack of thermal protection and inefficient windows, and to stimulate the use of renewable energy sources. Almost 70% of the applications received by the Fund to this year’s Public Call are for the renovation of houses falling in the energy category E or lower. Most houses were built during the 1970’s or 80’s, when the technical rules did not require thermal insulation, so they consume up to four times more energy than today’s building standards requirements. The oldest house applied to the call for energy renovation was built back in 1850 and it is one of almost 20 houses built in the 19th century, for which co-financing was sought. These houses have deteriorated over time, meaning that energy renovation will improve not only their efficiency, but also safety and visual appearance, and it will make living in them more pleasant and healthier.

The public call for co-financing of renewable energy sources for heating and/or heating and cooling in households will be launched soon. HRK 30 million will be available to the citizens for the installation of the biomass boilers, heat pumps, and solar thermal collectors. Depending on the region where the house is located, the citizens will be able to get co-financing amounting from 40 up to 80%, or up to the maximum of HRK 75000.