The Varaždin Water Tower to be renovated


“Owing to the grants we are getting from the European Union funds, as well as the incentives from the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, numerous energy efficiency projects are being carried out in Croatia. HRK 6.4 million of EU grant has been secured for this project. However, this is not the only such project in your County, since 39 different buildings are being renovated – kindergartens, schools, health institutions, apartment buildings, and there are energy renovation projects in industry and tourism as well. In total, the investments are worth approximately HRK 280 million, of which HRK 146.3 million is EU funding contracted under the Operational Programme Competitiveness and Cohesion,” said Deputy Director Košiša Čičin Šain.

She also praised the good cooperation of the Fund and Varaždin County; the Energy Efficiency Sector of the Fund are assisting the applicants, they verify all the necessary documentation, and advise if anything needs to be corrected in the project before applying to the public call. “This approach enables more projects applying to be accepted for EU co-financing. In addition, after a project proposal is accepted and the contract on co-financing is concluded, our Intermediate Body level 2, controls the entire process of project implementation,” explained Mrs Košiša Čičin Šain.

County mayor Radimir Čačić said that the works on the 41 m high-rise would be completed by the end of August. He also announced it was planned to build the tropical aquarium with a glass ceiling on the 10th and 11th floors, and to build the terrace on the roof, from which all aerials would be removed within 2 years. “From the top of the Water Tower you can see the baroque centre, and we will make it possible for all citizens to enjoy this view,” said county mayor Čačić.