Working meeting on waste management on Krk


“In terms of waste disposal, the island of Krk has set very high standards, and as such it is an exemplar that should be followed by others,” said the deputy director of the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, Alenka Košiša Čičin-Šain. At the moment, 60% of household waste on the island is collected separately, with the aim of achieving 80% by 2022. Projects improving the waste management system have been implemented on the island of Krk continuously for years – the municipal waste landfill Treskavac has been remediated, the transfer station has been built, and the capacity of the composting plant has been extended.

The new recycling yard in Baška has been opened recently. This project was financed from EU funding, the Cohesion Fund, and the grant agreement was signed by the Ministry of Environment and Energy, the Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency Fund, and Municipality Baška. The project itself is worth more than HRK 3 million, of which HRK 2.6 million of EU grant has been approved, accounting for co-financing share of more than 85%.

However, infrastructure development is just one of the steps aimed at increasing the rate of recycling. The utility company Ponkive is putting in great efforts to educate the citizens, especially children, because this will contribute to the development and efficiency of the entire system.