Zadar Info Day about energy renovation of houses


“Citizens from the entire Croatia can apply to this call, and up to 204 thousand kunas per house will be available. Of course, one will have to prove that the house is legal. The difference this year that now up to 60 percent of grant funding can be obtained per one family house,” said Deputy Director of the Fund Alenka Košiša Čičin-Šain.

The designated HRK 203 million should cover energy renovation for 1800 – 2000 family houses. The amount of HRK 204 thousand, which can be obtained per house, is divided in 3 segments, explained Mrs Košiša Čičin-Šain, adding: “This year we have also introduced the new method of applying, which is now online through the e-Applications system of the Fund, so we can say that we finally are in the 21st century. We have phase out paper communication and join the digital world. For the citizens who are unfamiliar with this new type of applying, we have provided lists of energy auditors to help them fill out the forms and collect the documentation required. For this service, our beneficiaries will be able to get the reimbursement of costs up to HRK 500. The submission of applications starts on 1 September, giving a window of two months to collect the documentation and upload it to the user account created in the Fund’s system.”

Eligible applicants to the public call are the citizens whose houses have more than 50% of the surface area intended for living, up to three residential units, or the surface area of up to 600m2. The applicants must have the residence registered in that house, hold the title deed, and proof that the house is legal. One of the conditions for applying is the energy category, i.e. that in the continental part of Croatia, eligible are the citizens whose houses fall in the energy category D or lower, and in the coastal part of Croatia the citizens whose houses fall in the energy category C or lower.